New Beginnigs

Your Psychic Weather Reading

Week of June 22, 2015

First Part of the Week

Have you been making plans for a while; thinking about putting those plans into action but haven’t felt quite ready to do so?  The energy in the beginning of the week is magical, you may experience a series of synchronicities that will give you the green light to go ahead with a project or plan that you have been waiting for just the right time.  This is your window of opportunity.  You’re more ready than you think.  As you begin to move forward, people will show up and doors will open that will help you to move forward.

Second Part of the Week

The middle of the week may bring about some memories from the past that will bring forth some long forgotten emotions that are ready to be released.  Give yourself the time, space and nurturing to allow these emotions to go.  There’s no need to analyze them, just simply let them go.  You may find yourself feeling so much lighter as you do.

Third Part of the Week

As you took your first steps in the beginning of the week to put your plans into action, you then were given the opportunity to release old emotional patterns that may have been holding you back.   With your new found lightness and increased energy you will find that the end of the week will get busy.  The plans you put into action in the beginning of the week will start to fall into place.  Someone may show up that will be helpful to you.  You will be given some creative solutions to any perceived obstacles that you thought were in your way.  The way is being cleared for all to flow smoothly towards your desired outcome.

Enjoy your week! 



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