
Energy Management for Sensitive People

Are you a sensitive person?
Do you feel things strongly in your body?
Would you like to learn how to develop your ability to read and interpret energies
without becoming the effect of it?

You will learn how to:

Connect to and develop a relationship with the Earth
Release foreign energies
Replenish your energy
See & perceive energies from neutrality
Recognize when you are being the effect of foreign energies
Access more of your own information
Bring more of you, along with your vast experience as a soul into the body
Experience the power of being in present time

Tele-Class with recording

Time: 6:30 to 7:30 pm

Dates: Wednesdays, March 16th, April 13th & May 18th

Conference Call In Number: 712-775-7031

Access Code: 152-278
Call or text: 970-201-3599



March 1.png

Psychic Weather for March 2016

March Overview:
The theme for the month of March is completion and letting go and stepping into new energies. The energies during the last half of December and into January and February probably felt extremely uncomfortable for the most part. The increased vibrations caused a lot of our ‘stuff’ individually and globally that we’ve been ignoring to be pushed to the surface. All of this old stuff that we thought that we had buried for good rose up to be dealt with, healed and released. Hopefully you’re feeling lighter as we begin to move out of the intensity of the energies that we just muddled our way through.

Week 1: The release of all the heavy energies that you had been carrying around is now allowing your creative energies to bubble to the surface. You may notice that you have new ideas coming up or remembering old ideas that you were never able to get off of the ground. Write down these ideas and let your new found enthusiasm, lightness of energy and creativity be your guide in manifesting your ideas into the physical world.

Week 2: You are moving into a new phase of your life. With all of the energy you recently released and with all of that powerful creative energy rising to the surface you may find that your interests are changing. The people, places, activities and things that use to satisfy you and make you happy may not any more. You may find yourself being drawn to different activities, people and situations that are more aligned with the direction you are now moving into. Follow your inner guidance and pay attention to your heart. Our minds tend to rationalize the voice of our intuition away, but our heart never lies to us.

Week 3: As you release old energies, patterns and programming you may find that you are becoming more sensitive to energies; in your home, work environment and the people you interact with. You may find it helpful to seek out an energetic healing practitioner to help you to move out all of the old energies that are coming up and out to be released. Do your best to acknowledge these energies; you may feel more emotional than usual, more tired, your body may be asking for different kinds of nourishment, these are all signs that your are releasing lots of old foreign energies and are in a spiritual ‘growth period’. Do your best not to resist and to let it all go; an energy practitioner can be helpful in helping you to keep the release going; preventing you from resisting the energies and getting stuck in them.

Week 4: The work you have been doing on an energetic, body and soul level is moving you more and more into your heart, opening and attuning you to the vibration of unconditional love. It has been said that the heart is the seat of the soul. The more that you connect with your heart and through your heart and the unconditional love of source, the more your heart opens, the more your heart opens the more you become aware of the beauty and the oneness that exist within you and within the totality of all of creation. The more you align with your heart, the higher your energetic vibration becomes. Since like attracts like and the Law of Attraction is always at work, the higher your vibration, the more you will attract people and situations into your life that are willing to support you and be a greater contribution you to you and your life and the greater contribution you will be them.

Enjoy the lovely beginnings of Spring!
Until next month,


February 1

Theme for the month:

The energy moving into February continues to accelerate. The changes we have all been asking for are upon us. Things are moving and shifting so quickly you may feel challenged to keep up with it. The flood gates of heaven are open, be willing to receive all of the opportunities and abundance that you are being offered. Say yes, even when it feels like you are being asked to move out of your comfort zone; taking on the challenges will generate exponential spiritual growth.
1st week:

An unexpected situation involving a loved one may require your attention this week. Assess the situation from a calm, centered place within; rather than making a rash decision. Listen to your inner wisdom, then proceed with confidence knowing that your strength, enthusiasm, leadership abilities and wisdom will give you the ability to contribute your support in just the way it is needed.

2nd week:

There may be a momentary twinge of feeling like you are going in circles and not making any progress. The fog will clear and your next step will become crystal clear. Focus is the key word for this week. Your enthusiasm and leadership skills will move you forward on your chosen path in leaps and bounds. Even though you may not be aware of it, others are observing you with curiosity and admiration and are inspired by your enthusiasm, passion and the progress you have made.
3rd week: 1

The changes that have presented themselves in the past several weeks have been in answer to the wishes and dreams that you have been dreaming for quite some time now. Heaven is showering you with blessings, be willing to receive them. We ask for change and then when we receive what we’ve been asking for we often times get a little scared. Know that you are an infinite being and infinitely capable of handling and managing the many changes that are coming into your life at this time. Know that you are supported every step of the way; express gratitude for your dreams coming true. Step into your power and be willing to be the potent and powerful contribution to the world that you are meant to be.

4th week:

All of the rocking and rolling, the fast track of change and transition that we have been experiencing this month is now being solidified and grounded into our 3-D physical world. Be open to receiving some unexpected gifts that may be in the form of money, opportunity or advice. The expression of gratitude will keep the floodgates of heaven open, continuing the flow of all good things into you life. How does it get any better than that, and what else is possible?

In conclusion:
Phew! Hold on tight and hang in there, the year is just beginning. Embrace the many changes that you are being presented with. Be willing to ride the wave of change having a spirit of adventure, being open to where you will land.

The theme for this year is TRANSFORMATION. Take a mental snapshot of what your life looks like now and compare it to what it looks like on January 31, 2016.
I’m willing to bet it will be very different.
Until next month…Debbie

Jan. 4

January 2016

As I look at the energy of January, the theme is movement, lots of it. All of the many seeds and intentions that we have put forth into the Universe are beginning to grow and at a very rapid pace.

I am already finding myself juggling so many things and wondering how I am going to manage it all. You may find this to be true in your life as well. Take a deep breath, use the tools that I outlined above and know that we are never given more that we can handle. Yes we may find that we have to stretch ourselves, learn new skills and grow and what an awesome opportunity to expand our skills and become a greater, more expansive version of ourselves. As I see things we are either evolving or devolving; there’s no in between. So, even when things seem challenging and I feel like I’m not going to make it, I always choose to evolve, grow and expand.
1st week:
Part of the over all theme of this month includes lots of movement in the outer world accompanied with introspection, movement, healing and growth in our inner world. You may find old hurts and emotions coming to the surface to be released and healed. Do your best to let them arise, thank them for the lessons and let them go with love.

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed with the tasks that need to be accomplished in the physical world, please ask for help and support from those around you. You are happy to help others and when you do you feel a sense of satisfaction so give others the gift of being able to help you when the need arises. We live in community on purpose, not by chance, we are meant to help and support each other as we move through the challenges of our lives.

2nd week:
You will drawn to expand your skills and gain form knowledge and information in relationship to current events in your life. This may pertain to learning on a professional level and/or learning through life experience relating to more personal situations.

A situation may arise that commands your immediate attention. Take the time to look at the situation with as much neutrality as you can muster, gather as much information as you can and make your decision from a place of being grounded and centered within yourself.

3rd week:
Allow the energy of this week to support you in completing projects and tasks that have been sitting around, waiting for the right time to finish them. Choose to focus on one thing at a time. This will assist you in completing the things that have carried over from 2015 and allow you to start 2016 fresh.

The energetics of completion will give you a great deal of satisfaction. You may even find that the opportunity to take a short, much needed vacation will present itself to you. Take the opportunity and you will return feeling re-energized, fresh and ready to move into your next cycle of creation.

4th week:
The movement of very powerful energy is supporting you in having more confidence in yourself, and your ability to make positive, uplifting and powerful choices. No longer are you feeling trapped with a limited number of choices at your disposal; the growth you have experienced has awakened and expanded your awareness and given you the vision and insight that allows you to see the truth; that life doesn’t limit you, only YOU limit you.

This new awareness and insight is a significant event in your life. It gives you the ability to expand your horizons, intend and set your desires into motion and move forward into the year with, strength, power and the certainty that as you make new choices your life will become the life you have been dreaming of.

In conclusion:

Let us always remember that the only way to influence others, to be the teachers that we are is to go within, connect with the truth of who we are, let go of the falsehoods that we have been steeped in our entire lives and begin to sing a new song. Our song is the sum total of our vibrational field. As we change, our song changes. As we grow, expand and connect with the truth of who we really are, the vibration of our song broadcasts itself into the world, vibrating the web of life with it’s higher and higher vibration, singing the song that we all have the capacity and capabilities to choose to sing a new song.

We can choose to sing the song of love, compassion, peace, plenty and good will to all. We always have a choice. The challenge is to allow each person to vibrate at and broadcast whatever song they choose. And to know that no matter what others are choosing, we can make the choice to create exactly what we would like to have in our Universe.

Until next month…Debbie