Jan. 2

Hello and Welcome to 2016!

I woke up on this first day of the New Year to a beautiful, bright blue sky with sunlight sparking off the snow and icicles hanging from the roof, sparkling like diamonds.

As some of you may know I have been exploring the Shamanic Path for awhile. Part of that path is to journey into non-ordinary reality and meet and work with spirit helpers who dwell in those realms. I took the opportunity to begin the first day of this year with a journey this morning. And I met an amazing new guide who I am to begin working with this year.

I have been having a very strong sense for quite some time that 2016 is going to be an amazing year. I feel that we are going to see incredible changes within ourselves, our communities and on a larger scale in the world. Ultimately I know it is all changing for the betterment of the Earth and the life forms that live here and yes some of the changes may be a bit challenging.

My guidance tells me that the best way to navigate these coming changes is to the best of your ability, stay grounded, which means connected to the Earth. The stronger your connection to the Earth, the less the things going on in the outer world will affect you. As those of you who have studied with me know, grounding also gives any foreign energy; that includes thoughts, feelings, etc. that aren’t yours a place to go, to release, it also strengthens your connection to Mother Earth so that you are able to receive clearer communication from her. She is an ancient and very wise being and an indispensable source for information and guidance that will help you along your path.

The second tool that is helpful is to practice bringing your attention and awareness into the Center of Your Head. This is the area where your pineal gland sits, in the center of your brain. It is the center of your Clairvoyance or clear seeing. It is one of your psychic senses and will guide you as you connect to and tune into it. This space in the Center of Your Head is also a space of neutrality. When you perceive and receive information from this space, you are able to experience it in a state of neutrality. This means you can look at it as more of an observer, getting less caught up in the emotional component of the situation.

Humanity has long been manipulated on a mass scale through our emotions, so as you separate out from this you will begin to be aware of the truth of what is, rather than getting caught up in the emotional tides that are being created on the screen of reality.

The third tool that you will find helpful is to imagine a Gold Sun above your heads. Let this Gold Sun magnetize and call back your energy from all of the places that you’ve left it. Then let this Life Force energy, that is your own unique brand of energy flow into your body and energetic space, filling you up with your own energy and vitality.

Your body and your energetic space is Your Universe and YOU are the Creator in your Universe. As you practice being more aware and conscious, you get to CHOOSE what you want to have in your Universe; you no longer have to be the effect of other energies, even if you are very empathic and sensitive. As you notice these energies, you can choose to release them and replace them with your own energy and the vibrations you would like to have in your space; such as validation, joy, amusement, etc., choose to bring in any and all of the higher vibrational energies that you would like to have and be.

I am planning on offering more tele-classes this year as I know how busy all of our lives are. With a tele-class you can attend from the comfort of your own home and from any location around the globe. I also have the ability, with the Conference Call service that I use to record the calls. This way I can send the participants a recording and if you aren’t able to attend during the live call, you can listen to the recording. There will be more information on this as the year progresses.

Another change that I will be implementing this year is in the Psychic Weather Reports. I will be taking a look at the energetic theme for the month overall along with each week of the month. I will be posting around the first of each month.

I’m am so very excited about this New Year, I know it’s going to be a good one.

Much love and many blessings and may all of the things that you intend and desire, that serve your highest good be yours.


Jan. Happy New Year

As the last few days of 2015 are winding down, you may find yourself taking inventory of the year; taking note of where you were in the beginning of the year and where you are now. Do your best to focus on how much you have accomplished and how much you have grown rather than what you didn’t do.

Be gentle with yourself, if there are some things in your life that aren’t exactly the way that you would like them to be, start asking open-ended questions, getting, a sense of what the energy feels like. Then set your intention to let your intuition and the feelings and sensations in your body guide you towards those things that will be a greater contribution to you and move you in the direction that you would like your life to take.

You may be guided to learn more about a current interest or occupation that you are involved in or it may be something completely different; maybe something that you have been longing to do or have been being pulled towards for awhile now. Allow yourself to at least entertain the idea that this new direction is a possibility. Explore the options around this new possibility, check in with your body and your intuition; does it make you feel lighter? Contemplate what will my life be like in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years? If I pursue this longing. Be open to feeling whatever you feel. If you feel lighter and more expansive this is a good indication that the new direction you are contemplating will contribute to and expand your life.

I have been feeling for quite some time that this New Year, 2016 is going to be an amazing one. The energies coming in are very supportive of connecting with the truth within ourselves and seeing the truth in the world around us. This includes personal relationships, public figures and the policies of the business world and governments. To the best of your ability trust your inner knowing; your intuition is that still small voice that whispers in your ear and trust your body. I have been teaching for many years that your body is one of your best psychic tools. Make friends with and tune into your body. Your body has it’s own intelligence, separate from the eternal you and when you begin to communicate with it, you will be amazed at the information that comes forth.

Trust yourself and your inner knowing, even when public opinion and peer pressure is counter to what you know. Of course, this can be a challenge and is an ongoing practice. As you do this you will be begin to experience much transformation in your life.

This week will be just the beginning of a year that supports the opportunity for personal growth and expanding your horizons. It will also be the opportunity of humanity as a species to recognize and institute new and expanded ways of working together in community. As the year moves forward the importance of embracing practices of sustainability and ensuring that the basic needs of our brothers and sisters on planet Earth are provided for will become more and more apparent.

I always love embracing the New Beginnings that the New Year has to offer. It somehow feels to me like the slate of the old year has been wiped clean, at least partially. I look forward to this New Year with love and gratitude in my heart for all of the many blessings that the creator has bestowed upon me. And yes I am grateful for the challenges too, as in many way the challenges have been the impetus for many of the changes that I have made in my life. I know that if it hadn’t been for the adversity that life had presented me with, I would not have had the reason or the courage to stretch myself, learn the lessons and grow into the person that I am now.

I have been working with the tools of Access Consciousness and I love their mantra that they suggest saying 10 times in the morning and 10 times in the evening. Here it is:


I wish for you all the blessings that the creator has to offer you and the willingness to open your arms wide to receive it all.

With much love, deep gratitude and blessings for an incredible 2016,



Christmas Message 2015

As the year draws to a close I wanted to take the opportunity to express my gratitude. I truly appreciate you allowing me into your in box. It has been such an honor to get to know each and everyone of you. Some of you I haven’t seen for awhile and would love to reconnect with you in the New Year.
Thanks to all of you who have supported my efforts in bringing more light and consciousness into the world. As I look around it seems like an insurmountable endeavor, but as each of us takes the tools that we know and use them, we are able to clear and neutralize the energies within ourselves. This allows us to reembody the truth of who we are, pure light and awareness.
As we move through our lives in this enlightened state, we affect not only those around us but the entire web of life that we are all connected to. This I believe is in part what Mahatma Gandhi was referring to when he said, “Be the change that you would like to see in the world.”
This is my work and my goal, to be the change and in being the change to create a domino affect of change in others.
Thanks for the contribution and blessing that you have been in my life and thanks for the contribution and blessing that you are to the world.
Enjoy this beautiful time of year where so many people put there attention on giving and blessing others. Whatever tradition you follow, may you be blessed with peace and love and may 2016 bring you all of the things that you are hoping and dreaming of.
With love and kind regards,

Dec. 4

Psychic Weather Week of December 21, 2015

Beginning of the Week

You may find that something new has piqued your interest and find yourself looking for ways to learn more about it; whether that is reading books, doing research on line or pursuing formal training now is a great time to follow where your heart is leading you. You may also find that you have a desire to learn more and go deeper into something that you are already involved in.

Middle of the Week

There may be a situation in your work or personal life where you felt like you were aligned with one or more people. Now you’re starting to get an inkling that either you misread the situation or someone was less than honest with you. Take a look at things from as neutral a place as possible, assess the situation and do your best to work through the misunderstanding or take yourself out of the loop with as little conflict as possible. Your stress levels may be a bit high now, give yourself a break; be kind to yourself you’ve been working hard.

End of the Week

The energy at the end of the week is very supportive of being able to be discerning about what you truly want to include in your life and what you’re ready to let go of. Focus on where you are, what you would like and how you would like your life to look as we step into the new year. Making choices that support you and your highest good will ultimately support the highest good of all concerned,

The Winter Solstice is December 22nd.  This is a great time to set your intentions for 2016 and be in gratitude for the return of the sun, the return of the light…longer days ahead!