Archives for posts with tag: healing


Energy Management for Sensitive People

Are you a sensitive person?
Do you feel things strongly in your body?
Would you like to learn how to develop your ability to read and interpret energies
without becoming the effect of it?

You will learn how to:

Connect to and develop a relationship with the Earth
Release foreign energies
Replenish your energy
See & perceive energies from neutrality
Recognize when you are being the effect of foreign energies
Access more of your own information
Bring more of you, along with your vast experience as a soul into the body
Experience the power of being in present time

Tele-Class with recording

Time: 6:30 to 7:30 pm

Dates: Wednesdays, March 16th, April 13th & May 18th

Conference Call In Number: 712-775-7031

Access Code: 152-278
Call or text: 970-201-3599

Dec. 4

Psychic Weather Week of December 21, 2015

Beginning of the Week

You may find that something new has piqued your interest and find yourself looking for ways to learn more about it; whether that is reading books, doing research on line or pursuing formal training now is a great time to follow where your heart is leading you. You may also find that you have a desire to learn more and go deeper into something that you are already involved in.

Middle of the Week

There may be a situation in your work or personal life where you felt like you were aligned with one or more people. Now you’re starting to get an inkling that either you misread the situation or someone was less than honest with you. Take a look at things from as neutral a place as possible, assess the situation and do your best to work through the misunderstanding or take yourself out of the loop with as little conflict as possible. Your stress levels may be a bit high now, give yourself a break; be kind to yourself you’ve been working hard.

End of the Week

The energy at the end of the week is very supportive of being able to be discerning about what you truly want to include in your life and what you’re ready to let go of. Focus on where you are, what you would like and how you would like your life to look as we step into the new year. Making choices that support you and your highest good will ultimately support the highest good of all concerned,

The Winter Solstice is December 22nd.  This is a great time to set your intentions for 2016 and be in gratitude for the return of the sun, the return of the light…longer days ahead!


Your Psychic Weather Reading

First Part of the Week

You may find yourself wanting to spend time outdoors in a more natural environment.  You don’t have to go on a trip, just walk outside and spend some time in your own yard admiring the flowers and plants or take a walk in a nearby park.  Take your shoes off if you can and really connect to the Earth.  We tend to be so disconnected from the natural world in our busy lives that we forget how relaxing and easy it is to de-stress when we are outside in nature. Listen with all of your senses to the sounds (AKA communication) of nature.  The Earth takes such good care of us.  As we learn to live in greater harmony with her, our lives will flow more easily.

Second Part of the Week

The middle of the week may find you wanting to have some fun.  Check in with your inner child and see what he or she would like to do.  Quite possibly that time you spent outside the first few days of the week rekindled some of the fond memories of the good times that you had during summer when you were growing up.  Take some time to do some of those things now.  And if you have young children in your life share those fun activities with them.  They just might enjoy them as much as you did!  And they may even realize there are lots of fun things to do that don’t involve computers or video games:)

Third Part of the Week

The end of the week brings you some relief regarding a matter that you may have been concerned with for some time.  Spending time in nature and having some fun brought you just enough distraction and joy that whatever you were worrying about had a chance to lighten up enough that you now have a different perspective on it.  The insight you have gained will enable you to concentrate and focus on the solution that has now come into your conscious awareness.  Know that your prayers are being answered and you are safe and protected as you move forward.

Enjoy your week!  Happy July 4th😉


To me, Consciousness, equals Awareness, equals more Choices. We are ALL infinite beings, so why do we have the tendency to choose so much limitation in our lives? If we are infinite beings the logical conclusion is that we have infinite choices. Why is it that we so often cannot seem to see that?

I’ve been pondering this and working on this for many years now. In the process I have spent somewhere between 15 and 20 thousand dollars studying and learning a variety of technique and modalities to first facilitate more consciousness and healing in my life and second to be a positive contribution to others in their search for greater consciousness, awareness and healing.

About a year and a half ago I was introduced to Access Consciousness. The founder is an amazing man named Gary Douglas and he has an amazing business partner named Dr. Dain Heer. Their goal is to help you to Access more Consciousness. As more and more people on the planet become more conscious it allows more and more people to become more conscious. It creates a ripple affect of exponential proportions.

They spend the majority of their time traveling the world bringing their teachings to as many people as possible. I have found tremendous value in the tools that they teach. The first step in their series of classes is called, Access Consciousness, The Bars TM.

I have been offering Bars TM Sessions for the past year. My clients have been receiving tremendous benefit from the sessions.

The premise of The Bars TM is that there are 32 bars of energy that run in and through your head. Each bar represents a different aspect of your life such as: healing, body, control, awareness, creativity, power, aging, sex and money. During your Bars TM session each bar is gently touched which begins to clear the fixed points of views that have created limitations in your life.

You can read more about Access Consciousness and The Bars TM HERE. You can also sign up for a FREE series of videos from Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Herr.

I am so excited about this modality and want share it with as many people as possible. We are truly ALL connected and when one of us evolves it creates the space for all of us to evolve.

I would love for as many people to experience having their Bars TM run as possible so I am offering the first session for the introductory rate of $65.00, regular price is $75.00. Access Consciousness suggests that we charge $125.00 for a session because it is SO valuable AND so life changing. Even so I am choosing to charge a little bit less because as I said previously, I want to share it with as many people as possible.

I am also offering 3 and 6 session packages that will give you an even more discounted per session rate. The more you have your Bars TM run, the more energy you clear, the more conscious you become and the more choices you have. The more choices you have, the more positive change you will be able to create in your life.

Is NOW the time for you to commit to being the best version of you that you can possibly be and the greatest contribution that you know that you can be?


Contact Debbie via Email at

Or schedule on-line

Schedule 3 sessions and your price is $180.00 (payable at the 1st session) regular $225.00

Schedule 6 sessions and your price is $300.00 ($150.00 due at 1st session & $150.00 due at 3rd session) regular $450.00

Cash, Checks & Credit Cards Accepted (except AMEX)